No Visible Trauma | An Eye-Opening Look at Calgary's Police Brutality

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Calgary documentary No Visible Trauma forces a much needed discussion about police brutality in Canada, particularly within Calgary, and what needs to be done if we as a community want to see substantial change. For those who may claim racism doesn’t exist in Canada or like to say that our policing system isn’t as bad as the USA, hopefully this is a wakeup call that horrific injustice is happening much closer to home than one might want to believe.

Directors Marc Serpa Francoeur and Robinder Uppal deliver a well constructed film that proves their abilities as storytellers should not go unnoticed. It is exciting to see such a high quality product come from our hometown and we look forward to seeing what else they have to offer in the future.

Check out our (slightly more) in depth podcast review + rating below! Podcast music by Brian K.S. Cole.

The 44 minute version of the documentary can be watched here.