The Devil Wears Prada | The Devil Is In the Details

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

How can you not love The Devil Wears Prada? Even those who are as fashion-averse as Anne Hathway’s Andy are sure to love her journey from naive, doe-eyed assistant to badass, confident journalist. Her relationship with her terrifying boss, Miranda Priestly (Meryl Streep), is one that anyone can relate to. It’s impossible to watch this film and not cheer for Andy’s professional success in a world that wants to squish her down. It’s clear why even now, two recessions and fifteen years later, this film still remains a favourite of many.

Analyzing this film through a post-COVID lens certainly brings new insight to the world of work and how individuals prioritize their jobs. In 2006, Andy’s dedication to her profession is seen as over-the-top and unnecessary by her peers yet that same level of intensity is almost a given for those entering the workforce today. That being said, the film’s question of how to balance a demanding job without selling your soul is still incredibly relevant in this new decade and is one of the reasons this film manages to be such a shining star so many years on.

Check out our (slightly more) in depth podcast review + rating below! Podcast music by Brian K.S. Cole.

Podcast Links + Mentions:

We recommend a good grilled cheese and/or a rose for this classic film! However, we are not big rose drinkers (yet…) so we don’t have a specific one to recommend.