4 M 49 S

Director: Andre Perim

INFOTOXICATION (defined by director Andre Perim as "infobesity" or "information overload") refers to a state where one is paralyzed by excess data. This concept is becoming increasingly relevant during this pandemic as journalism transforms into an industry based on who gets the most clicks and not who can report the most accurately. When so many people are reporting differently on the same topic, information can overload the mind and cause a state of chaos and anxiety.

This video artwork uses an imaginary language based on ideograms. The spoken language was also created artificially and presented in the same fast, overwhelming pace to create an intense atmosphere of claustrophobia. In an ideal world, we feel this film would best be viewed in an art gallery. You'd step into a dark room, not sure what awaits you around the corner, only to find this film surrounding you on four screens. The visuals and audio would completely surround the viewer, creating a cocoon of tension and fully conveying the experience of information overload. Unfortunately, this is not possible so we instead recommend you view this film with headphones on and in as dark a room as possible.